Nutland Location W coast of Canal Bárbara - Isla Santa Inés GPS position S 53°54'70 - W 72°20'60 (anchorage) Chilean Charts 11000-11300-1201 Other Charts UK 1281 * US 22032-22410-22425 Protection 2nd - 3rd - 4th quarters Depth 4 - 6 metres Bottom mud and kelp - very good Shore lines 2 to the trees in the small bay of the S shore Approach easy Remarks:
this well sheltered anchorage lies in the N section of Canal
Beware of two rocks, uncovered at LW and lying off the N point by the
entrance narrows. The forest setting is scenic, but strong gusts are
reported in bad weather. The holding ground is very good on a bottom of
thick mud. The plan shows three different anchorage possibilities: - The first is the one mentioned above: it is impossible to get deep into the cove because the river fouls the head. One can take a line ashore, but the boat would lie beam to the prevailing winds. - A tiny cove on the S side of the outer bay provides a much better option. The shelter from the gusts is very good and you will spend a quiet night with two lines ashore. There is some kelp, but no apparent danger behind it, except for two well visible rocks located off the headland forming the cove. Isla Santa Inés
was named and discovered by Sarmiento
de Gamboa
in January 1580, in the day that commemorates Santa
Inés. |